Blog Post Week 2 Part B:


Business Name:  Robbins Research Incorporated

Business type:  Tony Robbins is a personal development author, speaker, and coach.  He studies success as a philosophy, and has various courses and live programs he produces.

His social media is prominently displayed on his website

Last Post 12 hours ago
Followers: 6,365,604
He primarily uses LinkedIn to share his blog materials and promote his upcoming events. It is all usually focused on promoting outside content though.

Last Post:  February 5th
Followers:  3.1Million
He seems to primarily use this platform to broadcast messages promoting his events.

Last Post: 12 hours ago
Followers:  5.6 Million
To the best of what I can tell, he uses it as exposure to draw in people to click on his other resources.  He uses linktree to guide people to other places and funnels he has in place.

Last post: 18 hours ago
Followers: 5,539,032
He uses it to share his content, and create groups to launch lead magnets.  He is currently building up for one of his Unleash The Power Within Programs.

2.  Nike
Business type:  Sports apparel and accessory manufacturer.
Yes their social media is on their website.

Last Post December 2020
Followers:  8.3 Million
They use it to promote short video clips.  It appears that they are mostly posting "reminder" ads since they already have such broad market exposure that they are now trying to gain a distinct identity versus just an "old brand".

Last Post:  6 Days ago
Followers:  1.59 Million
Again they are using it to promote reminder/ads designed to shift them into a more specific identity with social justice issues.  It is probably a good move for them.

Last Post 2 weeks ago
Followers: 132 Million
They use this platform a lot like they use twitter and YouTube.  It doesn't appear that they ever actually advertise any of their products.  They know that their products are already available at retailers everywhere.  Their primary target is market exposure and identification so that retailers keep purchasing Nike to sell at their stores.

3.  Chase Bank
Banking company.
Social media is on their site.

Last Post:  Yesterday
Followers:  3.9 Million
They use Facebook to post basic promotions, and inform their customers of different features that their bank offers.  I also see them doing some brand identity and reminder advertising, which is to be expected with an institutional business like Chase.

Last post:  2 days ago
Followers:  185,000
They use Instagram rather ineffectively in my opinion.  Seems like they have a junior marketing associate working on it.  I think that chase could be far more effective here by creating cohesive campaigns.  It looks like they are just posting random crap just to keep a presence, and I'd be willing to bet that I am right.

Last Post:  Feb 5th
Followers: 385,000
I think that they are off the mark with twitter too.  The good thing about twitter is how personal it is, and it can really humanize a company.  Chase uses Twitter like it's Facebook.

Last Post:  Yesterday
Subscribers:  48,200 
It is obvious that Chase's marketing team is geared up for video content from their long history of Television advertising.  YouTube is well executed with good content to help people identify with their brand, and inform customers of how their products work.

Last Post:  4 days ago
Followers:  294,065
Professional presence.  They share business related, and brand defining posts.

Last Post:  NEVER
Followers:  11,600
They have never posted here.

My overall lesson from doing this is that I absolutely hate compiling data like this.  This is the kind of thing I usually would pay a VA to do.

As far as the social media tactics that people are using, firstly it is clear that everyone puts their social media on their websites these days.  It's 2021, so that is kind of to be expected.  Some websites seem to place some social media profiles on their sites though that aren't even populated by the social media team.  That suggests to me that there is no cohesive communication between the social media and web design teams.  I wonder what their marketing departments look like.

Something that I think a lot of these companies are missing is a call to action in their messaging.  That is a critical difference between learning traditional marketing here, and all of the marketing training I have taken from online focused marketers over the years I have been studying it.  I also think that creating new, unique causes to brand themselves around might be more effective than attaching themselves to social causes in the news.  But that is just my opinion, I'm sure they know what they are doing.

Something that I am taking away from this process though is the dynamic of social media use that I saw with Tony Robbins.  He seems to really be exploiting the strengths of each platform and utilizing them very effectively to cultivate customers for his events.  I studied his process in awe, and I think I can at least partially replicate his strategy for myself.



  1. Hello!

    I really enjoyed reading through your post, I like how you broke up the information so that it would be easier to read the data that you compiled. I as well was not a fan of compiling data like this but I was surprised at the results that I came up with. Are any of these businesses something that you might be going into yourself in the future? Also for the business that you gathered the Pinterest information for, how do you go about finding out when they made the posts? I was unable to gather this information for my research.

  2. Hi,
    I really like how you've done your research and sharing all those information well - organized. I wasn't able to gather those information well in my research. It's really helpful to the reader. It amazed me. You did a great job. Honestly, I'm learning from you as well, Thanks for sharing. I also agree with you, social media platforms are really helpful for marketing businesses in this modern world but hopefully, there should be also another effective way of marketing and branding aside from SNS.


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